The basics of taxation in Morocco

This video presents the basic principles of taxation in Morocco with a focus on corporate income tax, income tax and [...]

Presented by Abdelhak Kharbouch

Corporate income tax

This video explains the principles governing corporate income tax and highlights how the annual corporate income tax, as well as [...]

Presented by Abdelhak Kharbouch

Value Added Tax

This video covers everything you need to know about VAT. It deals with the specifics of VAT and the related [...]

Presented by Abdelhak Kharbouch

Taxation of dividends

This video discusses the taxation of dividends. It highlights the different types of dividends and tax rates, as well as [...]

Presented by Abdelhak Kharbouch

The new measures of the 2020 Finance Law

This video presents the main measures introduced by the 2020 Finance Law, in particular those relating to corporate income tax [...]

Presented by Abdelhak Kharbouch

Tax benefits

This video focuses on tax benefits and investment incentives granted to companies and individuals in Morocco.

Presented by Abdelhak Kharbouch

Parafiscal taxes

This video deals with parafiscal taxes applicable to businesses. It introduces the main ones, specifying their rates and payment procedures.

Presented by Abdelhak Kharbouch

Lean Manufacturing

What is lean manufacturing and what is the INMAA program? What are the key success factors and milestones of Lean [...]

Presented by Groupe d'experts

Bank rating of businesses

What are the principles of bank ratings? What tools and drivers are available to businesses to improve their access to [...]

Presented by Groupe d'experts