Our latest events
Attijariwafa bank's corporate events are part of a non-financial support initiative to provide you with our awareness, information and advisory services.
How to leverage AI to improve the customer experience ?
Attijariwafa bank, in partnership with Bpifrance, organized a webinar on the opportunities offered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) for businesses. This [...]
How can you effectively implement your CSR approach?
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become an essential strategic lever for companies of all sizes. Implementing a CSR approach represents [...]
Optimizing payment deadlines: Strategies for effective management
Business leaders, the punctuality of payments is an essential issue in the economy, as late payments have a major impact [...]
Attijari Business Link Community
Join Attijari Business Link, our business networking community for companies, investors and support organizations on an African scale. Whatever the size and the business sector of your company, you can showcase your services, optimize your online visibility and connect with key growth partners.

Africa Development Club
To promote international business, this club offers a number of networking and information services:
- The International Africa Development Forum, the club's flagship event;
- Sectoral missions;
- Market exploration missions with a delegation of economic operators visiting a target country;
- B to B on demand;
- A label through a partnership with EUROQUITY, which provides access to an international market place, as well as to "International Desks";
- Publications: sectoral analyses, macro-economic studies, economic dashboards, economic reports, etc.;
- On-line access to calls for tenders from the countries covered and assistance in submitting bids.

Contact our experts
The experts of Attijariwafa bank group and its partners are available to answer your questions.