Exchange Office (Office des Changes - ODC)
The Office des Changes' missions consist in regulating and controlling foreign exchange transactions and publishing foreign trade statistics: drafting foreign exchange regulations, ensuring compliance with the foreign exchange regulations in force, granting foreign exchange authorizations and producing foreign trade statistics. The Office des Changes also ensures compliance with the provisions of Law No. 43-05 on anti-money laundering by the entities subject to its control and subject to these provisions, provides training on foreign exchange regulations to approved intermediaries, professional associations ... and conducts and publishes studies using statistical data on foreign trade.

General Confederation of Moroccan Enterprises (Confédération Générale des Entreprises du Maroc - CGEM)
The CGEM is the private sector's voice in dealings with public authorities and institutions. It represents and promotes companies operating in different sectors of various sizes and protects their interests by striving for a prosperous and optimal environment for the Moroccan economy and promoting private initiative. The Confederation is also committed to improving the business and investment environment at the international level and works to this end on the development of infrastructure and partnerships in order to strengthen the attractiveness of Morocco and support the competitiveness of Moroccan companies in foreign markets.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
The GDPR is the guiding text for personal data protection in the European Union. Effective as of 25 May 2018, it replaces the Personal Data Protection Directive (95/46/EC) adopted in 1995.

General Directorate for Information Systems Security (Direction Générale de la Sécurité des Systèmes d’Information - DGSSI)
The DGSSI's missions include coordinating interministerial work relating to the development and implementation of the State's information systems security strategy, ensuring the enforcement of the directives and guidelines of the strategic committee for information systems security, issuing authorizations and managing declarations relating to cryptographic means and services, certifying devices for creating and verifying electronic signatures and approving service providers in this field, ensuring technological intelligence in order to anticipate developments and propose the appropriate innovations in the field of information systems security, ensuring security audits of the information systems of public administrations and organizations, assisting and advising public administrations and organizations as well as the private sector on the implementation of their information systems security, setting up a system for monitoring, detecting and alerting on events affecting or likely to affect the security of the State's information systems, and coordinating the measures that need to be taken to this effect.

High Commission for Planning (Haut-Commissariat au Plan - HCP)
The HCP is the main source of economic, demographic and social statistical information and is responsible for drawing up the nation's accounts. It prepares studies on the economic situation, the macroeconomic framework and forecasting.

Maroc PME
Maroc PME, the National Agency for the Promotion of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, is the public authorities' operational instrument for business development and is at the heart of the Moroccan support system for SMEs and VSEs. With the wide range of products it has developed and expanded since its creation in 2002, the agency assists businesses in their development, upgrading and competitive improvement process through investment support programs as well as coaching and assistance programs.

Moroccan Agency for Investment and Exports (Agence Marocaine des Investissements et des Exportations - AMDIE)
AMDIE is in charge of implementing the State's strategy aimed at developing national and foreign investments through support and assistance in prospecting activities, promoting Made in Morocco exports, supporting businesses in the deployment of their international activities and increasing their visibility in high-potential markets, and organizing conferences and events to promote investment and exports.

Moroccan Agency for Logistics Development (Agence Marocaine de Développement de la Logistique - AMDL)
The AMDL's main missions include the planning, structuring and promotion of logistics zone projects at the national and regional levels, the coordination of efforts to improve the country's various logistics chains, the promotion of the logistics industry, the development of a favorable regulatory and normative framework, the contribution to the development of skills in the logistics sector, the promotion of international cooperation for the benefit of the sector and, finally, the strategic and technological monitoring of the logistics sector.

Moroccan Association of Exporters (Association marocaine des exportateurs - ASMEX)
The role of ASMEX is to support the growth of the Moroccan economy by developing and sustaining exports. The association's main missions are to set up and run monitoring systems to improve knowledge of and access to markets, to consolidate public-private partnerships benefiting exports, to strengthen the networking of exporting companies at the regional, national and international levels, to simplify the environment for exporting companies and to streamline export procedures, to encourage and support small and medium-sized enterprises to export products and services, and finally, to contribute to the development of high value-added exports. For more information: www.asmex.org

Moroccan Export Insurance Company (Société Marocaine d’Assurance à l’Exportation - SMAEX)
SMAEX's main missions are to work alongside exporters throughout their internationalization process and to provide them with a strong expertise in export insurance, to assess the risk of default and to guarantee payment of exporters' receivables, as well as to provide exporters with a management tool that focuses first and foremost on prevention, and subsequently on coverage.
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