Setting business objectives

An objective sheet is used to formalize the objectives of each salesperson and of the entire sales force. This sheet must include the following elements:

  • These objectives are broken down per salesperson based on a clients/ prospects portfolio which has been previously assigned to them. The aggregation of the objectives set for every salesperson provides the overall objective for the Sales Department for the year. 
  • Evaluated on a yearly basis, the objectives bear on the different criteria whereby the performance of the salesperson is measured throughout the sales cycle all the way from the first commercial contact up to the actual signing of a contract.

Objectives indicators are evaluated on the basis of hypotheses and ratios that are presented separately in the hypothesis sheet. The latter are based on the achievement made over the preceding years in terms of the transformation ratios which characterize the sales cycle:

  • Rate of transformation of visits into quotes/consultation applications: x%
  • Rate of materialization of visits into firm contracts: y%

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